
How a 3rd class graduate earning
N20,000 per month got a $2,000 Job in Europe right from Nigeria and Relocated with Breaking The Bank.

And how you can do the same even if you have not crossed the border before.

Dear Friend,Let us face it, Nigeria is f**kedMore and More people are entering into poverty every blessed day.Insecurity is the order of the day, students have been out of school for 3 months and the leaders do not give a hoot, all they care about is buying forms to further their political ambition.

Things were not even this bad when I made the decision to leave Nigeria.I was a 3rd class graduate in political science from Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU). I had wanted to study Accounting, but after trying for 4 years, I had no choice but to settle for political science.After NYSC, I realised how deep of a mess I was in. I had studied an almost useless course and if that was not enough, my degree was nothing to write home about.I combed every nook and cranny of Lagos and Ogun state for 3 years in search of a good job but the story was always the same "we will get back to you" but none of them ever did.

After much pleading from my mother, a distant relative of hers employed me as a receptionist in his office. The pay was a measly N20,000. The man used me as a Driver, Cleaner, Errand Boy, in addition to my primary work as a Receptionist.To say I was frustrated would be an understatement. I wanted to leave the situation I found myself in so bad, but I had no idea what to do.

One day at work, I recieved a friend request from one of my former coursemates. We got chatting and he told me he was currently in London.He told me all about how life was very sweet there and how he was at peace.I have to admit I got jealous of the good life he was living, and I decided that day that I would do everything within my power to leave the hell hole I was in.

After the whole wahala my boss put me through during the day, I spent all my night searching the internet for how to relocate with very little money.London was out of the question because I could not use the study abroad route my friend used because of my poor degree and I did not have the huge amount of money agents were requesting for to process a work permit.

During the course of my search online, I came across Poland as the perfect country to relocate to as an unskilled worker. Companies over there are practically begging workers from Africa to come over there and work.Infact, some jobs pay you up to $3000 with free accomodation, free healthcare, and the will even give you free food.

I was so excited. I couldn't believe my eyes. I asked my friend if he could confirm the information for me, and he told me it was true, foreign workers were paid very well in Poland.The problem now was how to get a job from there and how I will process my travel.I was lost a lot of money to scammers and false information online before I finally figured out how to go about getting a job and a work permit.

In less than 6 months, I got a $2,000 job right from Nigeria, got all my necessary documents and my visa.I resumed work in Poland and I can boldly tell you it has been the best decision of my life.After a year, I switched to a higher paying job and then I REALISED that there were thousands more like me in Nigeria that want to leave to greener pastures but they have no idea what to do.

I Made It My Goal To Help As Many People As Possible Relocate To Poland

Before you read further, I have to give some disclaimers to a few set of people.If you are part of the people Nigeria is good to, and you are comfortable with you life as it is, I would advise you exit this page now.This opportunity I want to share is for people that want to seek greener pastures with little to no stress.

If you are the type of person who likes to shout scam at every opportunity you come across, because of your stagnant mindset, please do not bother reading any further, just close this page and forget you ever saw it.

These third set of of people are those that make it hard for people to help. They are LAZY and expect to be spoon fed at every point.Please just exit this page if you are in this category.


This means you know
what you want and you are prepared to do what it takes to get it.

For a limited time only, I will be showing a few people how they can get jobs in Poland right from Nigeria, and how they can process their work permit and get visas within the space of 6 months.With your Work Visa, you can travel all over Europe without need for extra visa. You can even decide to move to another country in Europe after a few years.

Some of The jobs available for you pay as high as $2,000 per month, they also come with free accommodation, free healthcare, feeding and insurance.And the best part is that they are menial jobs that don't require any skills or educational background.Even a secondary school dropout can be hired!

You can save over half your salary every month because you will have very little expenses.You will be able to earn good money for your work, save well and provide for your family.

If you would like me to show you how to get work in Poland and migrate easily, click the link below to purchase my Japa to Europe Guide.It will show you step by step how to get a work permit and move to Poland in 6 months or less.

The guide will cost you N5,000 for a limited time onlyClick the link below to get it.


If you have any questions, click the button below to chat on Whatsapp


You can exit this page now and continue working without earning the money appropriate for your efforts, or you can get the guide and get a better life before the end of 2022.

Whichever one you choose, the choice is yours.